
Telegram whiplash347
Telegram whiplash347

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Kabbalah is not a “Jewish” thing, it's not from the Cabal, it’s not from Khazarians or any of the nonsense. I had to put everything on hold, even though I did continue to the best of my ability to work on it - the exposure and level of blockchain research I have done over the past year took precedence. As I wanted to wait until I knew what direction I wanted to go and my project was completely attacked and leveled by QSI - it never really got off the ground. Then the research team started and quite frankly it took over my life. One month into my project I got covid so bad I was bedridden for 7 months. This was the beginning of my project, even though I didn’t know it at the time.

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That is when I saw, on Rosh Hashanah, the birthday of mankind, that Noot wrote “planting the tree of life”. While I was praying on Shabbat, it was pressed upon me to write the 42 letter Name of God on the Stellar blockchain through the genesis wallet. It was truly a remarkable story, that I’m more than happy to share for anyone that would like to hear it, that led me to where I am today. I started a project called the Kabbalah Community in 2021 because I had a calling from the Creator to do so. As many of you know, I am a practicing Kabbalist and have been studying in depth the ancient wisdom, the Bible, Christianity and Judaism for nearly 15 years.

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